First Million Framework

A proven framework to scale your startup to its first million in revenue.

Ready to scale your startup?

Five Actionable Steps

The First Million Framework consists of five actionable and straightforward steps.

Does this work for all startups?

Yes - nearly all startups can benefit from this framework. It's been proven in the B2B space and across various B2C tech startups.

Is it really only five steps?

Certainly - going from zero to one million in revenue can be achieved with the five steps in First Million Framework. There are still other levers that can and should be pulled in other facets of your startup though (i.e., finance, ops).

How can I purchase in bulk?

If you're a university, institution or startup that is looking to purchase in bulk - please reach out to the author at

How was this framework developed?

The First Million Framework was developed through years of trial and error by Jonathan through his decade of growth startup experience.

How can I get help implementing this framework?

Jonathan is a growth consultant that can help startups with all aspects of their marketing. He's scaled his very own startup to $3.5M ARR, consulted various startups and has led growth for companies such as Uber and Coinbase.  

Can I invite Jonathan to speak?

Yes, for any speaking engagements please reach out to the author at

UC Berkeley Faculty Thoughts

Don't just take it from current founders -- but from those teaching our next generation of founders.

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In this book, Jonathan has gone one step further in his entrepreneurship journey and shared his valuable experience and insights with budding entrepreneurs on how they, too, can harness growth marketing to grow and achieve their revenue goals.

Gigi Wang
Industry Faculty, Sutardja Center for Entrepreneurship & Technology, UC Berkeley

First Million Framework

Within this book, you'll be introduced to the First Million Framework and receive tactical advice on scaling your startup.


Find Product-Market-Fit

It's important to find PMF as rapidly as possible and this book includes battle-tested methods on how to do this in record time.


Identify Ideal Customer Profiles

Instead of casting a large net and having inefficient acquisition, Ideal Customer Profiles will increase conversion rates among other metrics.


Nail Messaging

Messaging is the fuel for all acquisition efforts so it's critical to have that defined early, along with being consistent across all comms.


'Aha' Moment

When your customers find their 'aha' moment it's glorious - every major startup has found this and capitalized on getting their customers there sooner.



The main pillar to growth marketing is "optimizing" through iterative testing, but it needs to be done correctly or will lead to wasted time.


Repeat (as needed)

Some of these steps will need to be repeated countless times to get to the first million, and that's okay - especially the optimizing portion.